I’m going to try doing a CSS only drop capital letter in CodePen and post it here. It won’t be every day; it may not be every week. But I will get through the alphabet.

See the Pen Drop A by Chris Lowe (@alltimelowe) on CodePen.

Set in Titillium Web Semi-Bold Itlaic, available from Google Fonts. An interesting type family, Titillium is a project from a type class at Campi Visivi within the Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino, Italy. Any type designer is invited to contribute to the ongoing development of the typeface or develop their own variations under the Open Font license. More on the Campi Visivi site, in Italian.

This italic has a definite forward momentum so I thought I’d give it a bit of a “race car” treatment. Simply staggering text-shadows that alternate between the background colour and an increasingly faded text colour you can get this effect with few lines of CSS.